Quick tips to make your Resume stand out from others
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Quick tips to make your Resume stand out from others

5 min read

You think it’s a bit difficult to get your resume attracted by employers/recruiters when searching for a job but it’s not true. You can follow a few simple steps that can help you make your resume stand out from the crowd when a recruiter reviews it.

Your resume is a reflection of who you are, your accomplishments and your interests.

You’ve probably heard that your resume should be easy to read, summarize your skills and highlight your relevant experience. In this guide, we will let you know how! You will learn the secrets you need to take to build a perfect resume. These quick easy but most important tips will help you get your resume noticed by recruiters.

Read on to learn more about it!

  • Stick to basics

    First impression is the last impression. Recruiters should be able to catch 3 most important things from your resume in the first 3 minutes, if not, then there can be a possibility that you might not even get a chance for next round. You should use basic fonts and add a headline,skills sections in the resume. In brief, you need to format your resume in the right way.

  • Be sure you’re a good fit

    Be sure you’re eligible for the job. Read the job description carefully. Qualifications you need for the job generally is mentioned at the bottom of the job advertisement. Make sure you match the minimum qualifications required for the job. If not, you’re wasting your time as well as recruiters’ time. You should carefully read the specific skills and attributes the employer is looking for in the job posting. This will help you in preparing a better resume/cover letter.

  • Focus on your accomplishments.

    I’ve seen many people send generic resumes to everyone for any kind of job. This simply degrades you. By your resume, basically the employer wants to know what you accomplished, not just what you did. What you did by default comes under your job responsibilities. So, you need to mention what you’ve achieved in each job. Spend some time customizing the content of your resume. This will create a good impression on recruiters.

  • Match your resume to LinkedIn

    It’s always a good idea to include the URL of your LinkedIn profile on your resume. Take some time and make sure your resume matches your LinkedIn profile. Keep your LinkedIn profile up-to-date. Nowadays, almost every recruiter checks that. I want to highlight one thing here, you can personalize your LinkedIn URL and can include your name in it.

  • Share Your Achievements

    Recruiters likely see quantifiable achievements on resumes. You can add numbers wherever possible and make sure you use numbers for that and not words. E.g. write ‘90%’ and not ‘Ninety Percent’. Numbers can be eyecatchers.

The resume focuses on you and the past. The cover letter focuses on the employer and the future. Tell the hiring professional what you can do to benefit the organization in the future.Joyce Lain Kennedy

Before You Send Your Resume

  • Check for typos. Don’t think a spelling or grammatical error won’t get picked up. Use Grammarly or any other tool for grammar/spelling check and make sure you send an error free resume.

  • Give an appropriate name. Check the name of the file/resume. Don’t just save it as ‘resume’ or ‘temp-resume’. Give it a recognizable name like ‘FirstNameLastName - PostAppliedFor’. For example, if suppose my name is Krupa Patel and I want to apply for the post of HR Manager, I usually like to save my resume named ‘Krupa Patel - HR Manager’.

  • Save it as a PDF. Share your resume as a PDF file and not in any other formats so that readers can view your resume exactly as you want them to.

Do an in-depth analysis about the importance of resumes and learn how to write the perfect one before your next interview. Oh yes, when you apply for your next job, don’t forget to attach the “perfect” resume you just created. All the best!

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