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Which Tech Stack is Good for Real Estate Business? WordPress or Custom Web Development in 2024?

7 min read

Choosing between WordPress and custom web development for a real estate business depends on various factors such as budget, timeline, scalability, and specific requirements.

WordPress has gained immense popularity due to its user-friendly interfaces and accessibility. WordPress is the most popular website-making platform, powering nearly half (43.2%) of all websites. It makes it possible for anyone with little technical experience to easily establish a website. Pre-designed templates and drag-and-drop functionality streamline the process so users can concentrate more on content and less on scripting.

Conversely, custom web development provides a solution that is made just for your needs. Custom websites, in contrast to WordPress, are carefully built from the ground up, offering unmatched flexibility and individuality. This strategy works best for people who value having a unique brand identification and have certain requirements for functionality and design that may not be entirely satisfied by ready-made templates.

In short, there are many pros and cons to both WordPress and custom sites. Most real estate, entrepreneurs and start-ups are confused as to which path is best suited to their individual goals and needs. In this article, you will learn the differences and ultimately which tech stack is best for your real estate business!

Difference between WordPress and Custom Web Development

    1. Website Complexity

      A website's complexity is an important consideration when deciding between WordPress and a custom solution. Understanding the specifics of each option is vital for matching your web development selection to the specific objectives and goals of your online presence.

      • WordPress is user-friendly and offers a wide range of real estate plugins and themes, making it easy to set up and manage a website. While website builders offer convenience, they may impose limitations on customization. Users may find it challenging to implement unique features or make extensive design modifications beyond the template’s constraints.
      • On the other hand, custom web development allows you to create a website tailored to your specific needs, goals and unique branding. Unlike WordPress, custom websites require advanced coding and development skills. Professional developers work on creating a custom codebase that aligns precisely with the specific requirements of the website.
    2. Design Needs

      The design of a website is a pivotal element that can shape its visual identity and user experience. When considering website builder vs custom website, understanding the distinct design needs associated with each option is essential.

      • WordPress provides a set of standardised ways that simplify the design process and give your website a consistent and professional appearance. Pre-designed templates, drag-and-drop capability, and responsive design are aimed at people seeking a simple creative process. While these standards make it easier to use, they also limit in-depth customisation and distinctive design expression, which you should consider when selecting a website-building strategy.
      • Custom websites take far longer to create than WordPress, but they allow for complete creative flexibility without the constraints of pre-designed themes. This independence allows designers to experiment with new layouts, use distinctive visual components, and create a design that precisely captures the soul of the brand. Designers tailor the layout and structure to ensure optimal user experiences across various devices, maintaining consistency while adapting to different screen sizes.
    3. Technical Skills

      The technical skills required for website development play a pivotal role in choosing between WordPress and a custom website. Evaluating these technical aspects is essential for real estate businesses seeking a web development approach that aligns with their skills and the complexity of their online goals.

      • One of the primary advantages of utilizing WordPress is its user-friendly interface. It requires knowledge of only a single platform, along with basic coding and design skills to navigate and operate WordPress effectively. Furthermore, its extensive plugin library allows you to add functionality and features to your website with ease.
      • Custom development, on the other hand, involves technical competence to design, construct, and manage the website, which may necessitate the hiring of qualified developers or agencies with specialised knowledge and experience. A web developer must be familiar with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, or other programming languages, MySQL, frameworks like React or Angular, and database management. He or she is also responsible for incorporating third-party APIs for advanced functionality and ensuring that they work seamlessly with the website.
    4. Customization

      Creating a website in 2024 is more than simply having an online presence; it's about building a strong platform that fulfils your business goals while providing an outstanding customer experience. You should consider which option would be best for further customisations based on your requirements.

      • WordPress is probably the safest option for most people. The platform offers good enough flexibility and customizability, at least for the majority of site needs. But if you want a very specific look or want particular features for your site, you may find yourself slightly limited by what WordPress has to offer. You may sometimes find a plugin that approximates what you want to do but doesn’t work exactly how you want it to or your chosen plugins might not always work well with your theme, which can lead to compatibility issues that can result in site errors.
      • As you might guess by now, you will always have more flexibility if you choose to build a custom site using a skilled developer who can create anything you want. You won’t have to settle on a particular theme or use plugins that get you close to a feature but ultimately become a compromise on your ideal site design. But whenever you want to make a functional change to your site, you need to go to the developer and it could be slightly expensive than WordPress.
    5. Growth Potential

      The growth potential of a website is a consideration when choosing between WordPress and vs custom website. Assessing how each option accommodates scalability and future expansion is essential for businesses with long-term goals for their online presence.

      • WordPress allows users to establish a basic website promptly without extensive technical knowledge but growth potential with it is often template-based. WordPress may face scalability issues as your business grows, especially if you require advanced features or custom functionality that are not supported by existing plugins or themes.
      • Custom websites offer seamless scalability, adapting effortlessly to the evolving requirements of a growing online presence. A custom-built website can be designed to scale with your business, accommodating growth, and adapting to industry changes and evolving requirements without facing limitations. Understanding these growth dynamics is a necessity for businesses and individuals seeking a digital platform that can evolve seamlessly with their long-term objectives.
    6. Timeline Requirements

      When choosing between a custom website and WordPress, the timeframe requirements for website construction are a crucial factor. For every size of real-estate business with distinct project and launch deadlines, assessing the time restrictions linked to each choice is crucial.

      • In WordPress, users can visualise changes in real time, enabling quick adjustments without complex coding or extensive testing. This accelerates the iterative process of refining the website’s appearance. It often prioritizes responsive design by default, this can reduce the need for manual adjustments. To put it briefly, WordPress streamlines and accelerates developing websites because the themes and plugins you choose will probably offer most (if not all) of the functionality you need right out of the box.
      • Employing an agile development methodology allows for iterative development cycles. This approach facilitates ongoing feedback, enabling adjustments and refinements throughout the development process. It takes more time and resources compared to using WordPress, which may delay the launch of your online presence and time-to-market.
    7. Budget

      Budget considerations play a significant role in determining whether to choose WordPress or custom web development for your real-estate project. Analyzing the financial implications is essential for one aiming to establish a robust online presence within their designated budget.

      • In terms of costs, WordPress is generally considered an affordable choice since it relies on pre-built themes and plugins, reducing development time and cost. If you have a limited budget and need to launch your website quickly with basic functionality, WordPress may be the more cost-effective option.
      • Most people are able to install a WordPress site themselves (and make some basic pages and posts), but you will have to get a professional involved if you want to build a custom site without a CMS. Custom web development typically requires a higher upfront investment, as it involves building a website from scratch. Though custom websites are viewed as a long-term strategic investment by entities aiming for sustained growth and a high return on investment.

The best solution?

When comparing WordPress vs. customised website development, WordPress is most likely the safest choice for most users. The platform provides adequate customisation and flexibility, an easy-to-use platform that performs well for SEO, and allows you to educate users about your services, and sell products. Additionally, you may work on and maintain your website yourself, and it is generally easier to use and more affordable.

On the other hand, if you want a site that includes cutting-edge technology with web app-like functionality requirements, then custom development can offer an interesting opportunity. Custom web development provides greater flexibility, scalability, and customization options for businesses with unique requirements and a higher budget, allowing for a tailored solution that aligns with your business objectives and brand identity.

Ultimately, the choice between WordPress and custom web development depends on your specific needs, budget, and long-term goals.

Do you have any questions about how to choose the best strategy for your real estate business? Get in touch with our team!